Lost in Linköping

I fail, I know, But its really the first time ever! in my life that I got lost. Anywhere. The night kinda started with alot of nice beer and with that, nice and friendly atmosphere from my KB-friends =) After the pre-party we got ourselves to Cloetta center, where the real party was supposed to be. Led by a girl we got kinda lost, but in like 15 minutes after the others, we got there, kinda ok ^^ At Cloetta center there was a pretty lot of peeps, but I didnt feel as I belonged, even if I dragged along with some classmates. Atleast I was there to check it out, it was free (except for that beer :/) now Ive seen the place its kinda cool, much bigger than for 8-10 years ago ^^.

Anyways, on the way home, after some strange wrong-turns, I found myself being at someplace that I didnt even remotely know. But, thank god for GPS (or google maps) in the phone, so I could find my way home, without much lost time really. On the other hand, I should have considered going with my friends, that was going to a place close to me and I would easily have found my way home from there. I guess Im just too lazy for that. The sum of it all was that I came home safely, and thats really the most important thing. Even if I'd rather have spent my time with you. But thats another problem for another day.

Nighty (and I hope my wall of text didnt smash your head in ^^)

Postat av: Jennie

Jaah fan vad kul :) de kan vi lätt göra! om va inte bor för långt ifrån varandra ?

2009-09-08 @ 17:53:09
URL: http://pjsl.blogg.se/

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